Save Well Retire Well imageSave Well Retire Well thumbnail image

Save Well. Retire Well. This presentation‘s learning topics include inflation’s impact, tax-deferred saving, pay yourself first, and the cost of waiting.

Basics of Finances Series imageBasics of Finances Series thumbnail image

"Basics of" Financial Planning Seminars: A 6-module series presents the basics of managing debt, budgeting and other financial wellness subjects. Each module is a PowerPoint presentation and accompanying brochure.

Preparing for Retirement imagePreparing for Retirement thumbnail image

Preparing for Retirement Seminar: This module helps participants with 5 years or less until retirement to get organized. The objective is to give participants the tools to prepare for their retirement needs and consider factors like where they will retire, whether they will have other sources of retirement income, Medicare, etc. The module includes a PowerPoint presentation, checklist and a brochure.

15-Minute Finance Seminars series15-Minute Finance Seminar thumbnail image

15-Minute Finance Presentations: This series offers ten highly-engaging Powerpoint presentations that focus on key financial topics related to retirement planning. These brief presentations use animation and graphics to help illustrate concepts, and a dialogue-style narrative to help make the concepts more relevant to participants.